• A flash of brilliance

    “Yor en Ah-may-ree-caaan”, she exhaled and, instantly, I was an alien, an other who, despite our blood relation and her capacity to apprehend the incredible (e.g., divine interventions, God, The Virgin Mary, and Jee-sass), she would never grasp. I was driving her son’s bee-em-dah-bel-yoo on I-280 and, on that day, her anxiety was stifling. Despite […]

  • Pig

    I was a fat kid and I would have felt like The Fat Kid were it not for a staunch circle of friends: e and e (twin boys who laughed all the time), y (buck-toothed with a round, friendly face that epitomized whatever notion of kinship I harbored at the time), n (whose frequent use […]